Tuesday 1 February 2011

final audience questionnaire

Please circle your answers.
1.) What type of music do you prefer?
  • R’n'B
  • Hip Hop/Rap
  • Dancehall
  • Indie
  • Rock
  • Other
2.) How often do you buy a music magazine?
  • When a new one is published
  • When you feel like reading one
  • Hardly ever
  • I don’t
3.) How much do you/would you pay for a music magazine?
  • £1-£2
  • £2-£3
  • £3-£4
  • £4-£5+
4.) What makes you interested in buying a music magazine?
  • Front cover- who’s featuring in the magazine
  • Contents- tells you what the magazine contains
  • Stories inside
  • The type of genre the magazine is e.g. r’n'b, pop, indie
  • Freebies- win prizes, trips etc.
5.)  What catches your eye first?
  • Who’s featured on the front cover
  • The colors
  • Headings
  • Freebies
6.) Who do you prefer seeing on the front cover?
  • A group
  • Solo act
  • New artist
  • Don’t mind
7.)  What part of the music mag do you prefer?
  • News
  • Features
  • Reviews
  • Extras

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