Tuesday 8 February 2011

possible questions

·         How did you get started with Hip Hop?
·         Do you think this genre will last or will people tire of it?
·         Since there are so many great street hip hoppers, what determines who gets to the top?
·         Where did the artist grow up?  
·         What are their musical influences?
·         What inspires them?
·         What artists inspired you too become involved with Hip Hop?
·         What is your favorite album of all time?
·         What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career?
·         Which artists do you most admire or look up to?
·         Who would you love to do a collabo with?
·         So, what are your thoughts on the current state of the game?
·         How do you separate yourself from other artists?
·         Who influenced your style?

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